Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Serve And Protect

National Police week is upon us once again and it always serves as a reminder to me those that we take for granted each and every day who are putting it all on the line for us. The church puts a lot of focus on the spiritual matters and recognizing those who do works in the "spiritual realm" but often we leave out others that are doing very important and dangerous jobs because they aren't "spiritual jobs".
For several years now I have had the privilege and honor of being a part of a yearly church service for the St. Clair Shores, MI police department. I've gotten to know the Chief and Deputy quite well and we all enjoy this yearly service. Probably 1/2 of the service is devoted to presenting awards and watching a humorous video I produce anew each year with photos of the local police. This year's video was backed with audio from various TV police shows down through the years. The other 1/2 of the night is a time of prayer and Biblical reflection by the various chaplains, and music and worship lead by myself.
Although there is very little public outward response, and it is well known that law enforcement is stereotypically quite closed to religion, there are always plenty of private responses later thanking us for our cares, concerns, prayers and encouragement. This is what keeps me coming back year after year, because this is what being the church is all about. If we can't show love and concern and offer prayers and encouragement for those putting their lives on the line for us every day then we ought not to call ourselves the church.
John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." O they may never admit it, but our law enforcement simply by going to work each day are showing God's love to us. They may not view it that way or accept Him as their saviour, but they indeed are showing God's love to all of us. The way I look at then is the very least we can do is take a night each year and say thanks and pray for each and everyone of them as they go to work each day.

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