Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I was talking this morning with a fellow minister about our testimony. Why is it that if people don't one of those amazing, pulled back from the grips of satan testimonies, they just don't seem to have the same fervor about their faith? Why is it hardest to reach those with the gospel message who have lived a "good life"? Or why is it so easy for those who grew up in the church to just coast along believing in God, but never really living out their faith or making an impact.
Aren't we all supposed to be living on the edge for God? Doing what Jesus would do, and showing God's love at every opportunity seems to be reserved for the new believers or those who have the "huge testimony" and never relax in their faith. I don't think thats what God had in mind for us. I think He wants us all to live like we almost died, because if it wasn't for God's unconditional love we would all be walking dead.
When will we all get that unquenchable fire to follow God no matter what and live life like we are dying?
All that being said, if you haven't heard the testimony of our Lifeline youth director Brad Boughner, you need to check it out. He spoke last night at church and it was awesome. Brad has one of "those" testimonies. Check it out:

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