Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Church In Action

In my opinion this title should never have to be said, because if the church really was the church, it would be in action all the time and this would not be something out of the ordinary. A board member emailed me last night wondering if our church should spend a few hours on a coming Saturday and help a single mom in the community move to a new house. She is not a friend of mine, I've never met her, she does not attend our church; and my answer was a resounding YES. Of course we can help her, isn't that what the church is supposed to be about, isn't that what loving God and loving people is all about. Lifeline is a very small church trying to make an impact in a small community called LaSalle. I am so thankful to have a church with people that are getting it. I'm thankful to have a board that gets it. Now lets go do it. Lets go be Jesus to our community whether that is picking up garbage, holding a Tuesday night service, participating in a walk-athon, or helping a single mom move.

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