Friday, May 14, 2010

Rooted In Relationship

This week was our PAOC National COnference in Edmonton AB. Although I was not able to attend being so far away, through modern technology I was able to watch all of the evening sessions live streaming online. It was so nice to feel like I was of a part of such a great event in our denomination.

The theme this year was Rooted in Relationship and thus all of the evening speakers geared their talks around this topic. Some wonderful insights and inspiration was shared each evening on the topic of relationship in the church and ministry. The need for relationship between generations was a big important key that was stressed, but also celebrating those who built relationships over the years and brought us to where we are today was shown as just as important to the church and us as leaders.

I must say I took a lot away from the conference and was very inspired and refreshed and I did not even have to leave the comfort of my own home.

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