Monday, October 18, 2010

David Crowder Band - SMS [Shine]

Best video I've ever seen, saw the premier in Waco it was awesome.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Unsung Heroes From The Bible

Tonite - 6:30 We kick off our Brand New Fall Series.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Is Anyone Out There?

So today's blog is pretty simple. Does anyone ever read these and does anyone care? So many people are blogging these days thinking that everyone cares what they have to say but is anyone really reading anything that is typed?
I've been following a few blogs for years now and when I first began I read them religiously everyday. But now; there's blogs, twitter, and even updates on facebook and who really has time or even cares to read all of that every single day?
Is this blog a waste of time that is just one more thing taking time in my day that I could be putting to better use?

So if you are reading this just send me an email and let me know; it's that simple.

Monday, July 12, 2010

3yrs. Old

Well it's been a couple weeks since I've blogged; life's been busy. Had some vacation, had some gigs, and Lifeline Church turned 3 yrs. old. Yes 3 whole years now we've been here in the town of LaSalle Ontario Canada. Actually 3 1/2 since we started in a small living room, but 3 years since our public launch at our former building on Front Rd..
We've had ups and downs, we've been bigger in size, and certainly been smaller. I'd have to say though that this past year Lifeline has really started to become a spiritually healthy church, and to me that is more important than huge numbers will ever be.
Over our 3 short years we've met in 3 different locations, 2 different times, and we've seen many new faces, some have stayed while others have moved on. Of the ones who have stayed I can say we have become a real family that loves and cares for each other as well as the community that surrounds us.
As we turned 3 our focus has turned outward once again to really become a vital part of the community of LaSalle, not just preaching the gospel, but living it out in whatever way we can. We plan to do more and love more, give more and befriend more, because that is what we really believe the Bible calls us to do; and so that is what we will do.
What is in store for the next 3 years... Only time will tell.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is This The End?

One of my all time favourite movies is Bruce Almighty. One of my favourite characters in the movie is the homeless guy with the various signs he flashes throughout the movie which contain great messages. Of course "The End Is Near" is one of those signs.
Now I'm not a doomsday guy, and never really been into the whole "end times" thing. But lately the events have really gotten me thinking. Is the end near?
Countries lining up against Israel.
Wars and disease everywhere you look.
World economies in terrible shape.
An Earthquake and 2 Tornados in our local area in less than 1 month.

I don't know the answers, but a lot of this sounds quite Biblically familiar doesn't it?

Makes you wonder...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hand Up or Hand Out

There has been slogan used for many years now on a popular commentary on our local Christian radio station. The commentary is from a local Detroit inner city mission ministry and their slogan is "A Hand Up Not A Hand Out"
My question is, how do you know?
We had some very good and lengthy discussion at church last night about this very topic. We want to be "the church", we want to help and serve and give to those in need, and to really help others the way that Jesus would do. But the question kept coming back around, are we helping those in need or just empowering them to stay stuck?
Obviously the best way is to be able to build relationship and model good morals, good life choices etc. while helping and handing out, in hopes that your input into the life of the person you are working with will rub off and open doors and help open their heart to change.
But what about those who need help, or appear to need help, that you may never see again, and never know if you are being scammed or really helping?
The answer we came up with is use a bit of discernment, try to give something other than money if you can, but certainly try to give and try to help if the situation seems right and you have the means to help.
What do you think? We'd love some feedback...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jus Throw It In The Bag

Last Saturday was the annual Strawberry Fest Parade here in LaSalle. For the past 3 years now since we've been in town we've entered a float in the parade and had our band play live while people handed out candy and info about the church.
This year the band played again, and sounded fantastic I might add, but instead of paper about the church that will end up in the trash or on the ground, we had some reusable bags made up with our Lifeline name and logo and contact info. The people were going crazy trying to get bags, and of course the kids still enjoyed the candy.
Did we get a huge crowd at church last night after being in the parade? No. In fact it was one of our smallest crowds in a long time and their were no visitors. But we didn't do it for that reason. Yes we want people to come to church and see our church grow, but we want them to come because they are searching for God, or something that is missing in their lives. Hopefully when they get to that point in life tomorrow or 3 years down the road they will look at that bag they are carrying groceries in and remember who loved them enough to give them that bag.Wasn't it Jesus who said giving a cup of water, or helping those in need is worshipping Him. That's all we were trying to do, and be environmentally friendly at the same time doesn't hurt.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Living @ 90%

I preached at Lifeline this week about tithing. I hate preaching about money. Money and the church have become this taboo thing and most preachers my age really hate to touch the topic because we feel like that's all people think about when they hear church; money.
A couple months ago I was at a meeting and talking with a fellow church planter and I asked him how he approached the tithing and giving topic with his young congregation. He said I just laid it all out for them and hide nothing. He went on to say that tithing and supporting the work of God is just as big of a lifestyle issue as anything else we talk about week and if we don;t talk about it then we as the pastor are in the wrong.
I realized the truth behind what my friend was saying and decided to do it. Truth is I talk every week about living a life more like how God wants us to live and being His example. Giving 10% is another thing He asked us to do so I really needed to talk about it.
I think it went well. Check it out if you want, here is the Audio File Link.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Church Multiplication Video

Church planting and multiplication is not nor has never been about making a name for myself or for our church. For me and Lifeline Church it's all about the community; or the people. We do what we do to help others and show the love of Jesus Christ to our community in any way possible. Community parties, clean up days, free give aways, meals for less fortunate at Christmas, are just a few of the bigger things we do for our neighbours.
All that being said it is quite humbling and honouring to be chosen by our denomination (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) to be involved in a brand new video promoting church multiplication in Ontario.
My mentor, and coach in ministry, as well as my best friend, Kevin Rogers was also asked to take part in this video project too. Kevin is the founding pastor of New Song Church in Windsor. Together along with some friends and original music our denomination has put together this brand new church multiplication video. Enjoy:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I was talking this morning with a fellow minister about our testimony. Why is it that if people don't one of those amazing, pulled back from the grips of satan testimonies, they just don't seem to have the same fervor about their faith? Why is it hardest to reach those with the gospel message who have lived a "good life"? Or why is it so easy for those who grew up in the church to just coast along believing in God, but never really living out their faith or making an impact.
Aren't we all supposed to be living on the edge for God? Doing what Jesus would do, and showing God's love at every opportunity seems to be reserved for the new believers or those who have the "huge testimony" and never relax in their faith. I don't think thats what God had in mind for us. I think He wants us all to live like we almost died, because if it wasn't for God's unconditional love we would all be walking dead.
When will we all get that unquenchable fire to follow God no matter what and live life like we are dying?
All that being said, if you haven't heard the testimony of our Lifeline youth director Brad Boughner, you need to check it out. He spoke last night at church and it was awesome. Brad has one of "those" testimonies. Check it out:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Worthy Idol

I'm not a huge fan of American Idol, but the 3 females in my house really enjoy it so i quite often catch bits and pieces of the shows while working out or wandering around. I'm always amazed when it comes to the last couple shows and they take the remaining contestants on the road to visit their hometowns. I'm amazed at the whole thing; the police escorts, motorcades, shutting down streets, and the thousands upon thousands of screaming fans. Fans crying, cheering, screaming and idolizing these people who just a few short months earlier were flipping burgers in a hick town in the middle of nowhere.
I certainly have had musicians and sports figures that I have looked up to over the years and would have loved to had the chance to meet; but this is something different. I remember as a young teen seeing this response to Michael Jackson wherever he went and thinking yeah he's an awesome performer, but he's just another guy. Are these people really worthy to be our idols in North America?
If I remember correctly isn't 1 of the 10 commandments "have no other gods before God" and then another "don't worship idols". Right here we are killing 2 of the 10 right off the bat just because someone can sing and play a guitar. I love music more than a lot of people, but in my book no musician; heck, no human is worthy of idol worship. Only my living God, my Lord and saviour is worthy of that kind of worship.
I'm trying not to sound self righteous here, but I never want to hold anything up on a level that comes anywhere close to the spot that is reserved for God and God alone.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Keeps Me Going

Today I did an interview for a church multiplication video that I have been taking part in. I was asked to openly share from my heart about church planting and church multiplication. There were no real formatted questions it was very informal. Out of all the things I could have talked about i found myself talking about why we do what we doing and what keeps me going.
For me it's seeing 1st hand the lives that we are helping to change and impact. It's not me, or anything that I personally have to offer, but God working through me. It's awesome to see a handful of people who wanted to make a difference in LaSalle 3 years ago turn into small group of believers now made up of people brand new to the faith.
I never wanted to grow a new church from other church people, but rather grow a church from the ground up with people seeking a new relationship with God. This is what we prayed for and this is what has happened and i couldn't be more thrilled.
The real life changing experiences in lives of our members at Lifeline is what keeps me going. Seeing a room full of new Christ followers every Tuesday night who would not have stepped foot inside a church just 2 to 3 short years ago. We may be small but we are making a difference for Jesus 1 relationship at a time

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cleanin' Up The Town

Today Lifeline Church held a community cleanup day. No preaching, no handing out info, no talking about the Bible. We met at a park in town, about a dozen of us armed with rubber gloves and trash bags, and headed out in the community to beautify the neighborhood. We recovered about 12-15 bags of trash in a couple hours from the streets, parks, and parking lots around the area we met in. We never spoke the name of Jesus once as far as I know, and no one asked us what we were doing or where we were from. But we did the work of Jesus, and we gave back to our community.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rooted In Relationship

This week was our PAOC National COnference in Edmonton AB. Although I was not able to attend being so far away, through modern technology I was able to watch all of the evening sessions live streaming online. It was so nice to feel like I was of a part of such a great event in our denomination.

The theme this year was Rooted in Relationship and thus all of the evening speakers geared their talks around this topic. Some wonderful insights and inspiration was shared each evening on the topic of relationship in the church and ministry. The need for relationship between generations was a big important key that was stressed, but also celebrating those who built relationships over the years and brought us to where we are today was shown as just as important to the church and us as leaders.

I must say I took a lot away from the conference and was very inspired and refreshed and I did not even have to leave the comfort of my own home.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Serve And Protect

National Police week is upon us once again and it always serves as a reminder to me those that we take for granted each and every day who are putting it all on the line for us. The church puts a lot of focus on the spiritual matters and recognizing those who do works in the "spiritual realm" but often we leave out others that are doing very important and dangerous jobs because they aren't "spiritual jobs".
For several years now I have had the privilege and honor of being a part of a yearly church service for the St. Clair Shores, MI police department. I've gotten to know the Chief and Deputy quite well and we all enjoy this yearly service. Probably 1/2 of the service is devoted to presenting awards and watching a humorous video I produce anew each year with photos of the local police. This year's video was backed with audio from various TV police shows down through the years. The other 1/2 of the night is a time of prayer and Biblical reflection by the various chaplains, and music and worship lead by myself.
Although there is very little public outward response, and it is well known that law enforcement is stereotypically quite closed to religion, there are always plenty of private responses later thanking us for our cares, concerns, prayers and encouragement. This is what keeps me coming back year after year, because this is what being the church is all about. If we can't show love and concern and offer prayers and encouragement for those putting their lives on the line for us every day then we ought not to call ourselves the church.
John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." O they may never admit it, but our law enforcement simply by going to work each day are showing God's love to us. They may not view it that way or accept Him as their saviour, but they indeed are showing God's love to all of us. The way I look at then is the very least we can do is take a night each year and say thanks and pray for each and everyone of them as they go to work each day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom's Day

It's Mother's Day, so what else is there to say but Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. What you do, give, and sacrifice for your kids is awesome and you deserve way more than just one day a year. Anyone who can give their own body away for 9 months just to bring life into this world is a hero in my books. And that is just the beginning of a moms lifelong job.

To my own mom, grandma, and wife, and extra special happy mom's day to you 3. You all impact my life in amazing ways and I certainly would not be who I am today without you all.

Thanks Mom.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Church In Action

In my opinion this title should never have to be said, because if the church really was the church, it would be in action all the time and this would not be something out of the ordinary. A board member emailed me last night wondering if our church should spend a few hours on a coming Saturday and help a single mom in the community move to a new house. She is not a friend of mine, I've never met her, she does not attend our church; and my answer was a resounding YES. Of course we can help her, isn't that what the church is supposed to be about, isn't that what loving God and loving people is all about. Lifeline is a very small church trying to make an impact in a small community called LaSalle. I am so thankful to have a church with people that are getting it. I'm thankful to have a board that gets it. Now lets go do it. Lets go be Jesus to our community whether that is picking up garbage, holding a Tuesday night service, participating in a walk-athon, or helping a single mom move.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

But Church Is On Sunday…

Just got a copy of the new PAOC Connections Magazine and it features my 1st published article. Here it is.

We began as a Sunday morning church in a house not unlike many other church plants. Over time we tried an old racquetball court turned dance room, then on to a musty, run down, former furniture store, and finally bar located inside our local recreation centre. Odd and varying locations indeed, but all were at prime church time on Sunday morning. The idea that stood in front of us now was a whole new game.

Finally after hours of prayer, and opinions volleyed both for and against we felt strongly lead to make our biggest move and step of faith yet. Some said we were crazy, many said it wasn’t even legal. We were going to move our weekly gathering to the Brethren church down the street. Oh yeah, and we were gonna meet on Tuesday nights, not Sunday. That’s Right, No Church On Sunday! Our church was young, our people lead busy lives, there was no big tradition to break, and people said it would just be better for their lives. But would it?

April 21 2009, we held our 1st ever Tuesday night church meeting; and I was terrified. Would anyone show? Was this a gigantic mistake? Could this spell the end of LifeLine Church?

People showed up. Not a lot, but they showed up. But more important, God was there before we were, and I believe He was planning our move long before we were; and it was ok. The next week there were a few more, and the next even more. After a couple months we realized that this was church and church was working on Tuesday night. In fact it was working better on Tuesday night than it ever had on Sunday. People who’s regular was once every 3 weeks were now attending every week. Our core was growing and solidifying into a family that wanted to serve God and impact their community. People were inviting new friends and the friends were coming back too. And all of this was happening… Not on Sunday morning.

Why am I telling you all of this? Not to pat myself on the back. Not to trumpet LifeLine Church, and certainly not to tell you to copy any of what we’ve done. I’m telling you all this simply to say “let God out of the box”. Don’t limit Him, don’t say you can’t, don’t say it’s never been done that way, and don’t be scared to fall down and get back up and try again. Let God do what God wants to do, wherever and however.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Country Singer

Came across this passage today in my devotions and I thought it was one of the coolest interpretations of scripture I have read:

Ezekiel 33:30-32 (The Message)

30-32 "As for you, son of man, you've become quite the talk of the town. Your people meet on street corners and in front of their houses and say, 'Let's go hear the latest news from God.' They show up, as people tend to do, and sit in your company. They listen to you speak, but don't do a thing you say. They flatter you with compliments, but all they care about is making money and getting ahead. To them you're merely entertainment—a country singer of sad love songs, playing a guitar. They love to hear you talk, but nothing comes of it.

Not only was it well written but I thought it very fitting today. I wonder if this is indeed what God is thinking about His church today? Is God looking down on us saying to the few well meaning that we are indeed trying our best, but those around us really don't care. Oh they act like they are listening and are on board with the Gospel, but it's really just a show. Are we just country singers singing sad love songs on our guitars to entertain the lost?

Pre Mother's Day

Mother's Day is still 5 days away, but with our weekly gathering being on Tuesday nights I thought it would be fitting to focus on Mother's Day anyway. Mother's are special anytime, so if it's 5 days before the official holiday who really cares.
Tonight I was talking about the 3 core values of a Godly mom being sincere faith, strong faith, and stirring faith. My passage was 2 Timothy 1:5, and I had taken these 3 points from what Paul had said about Timothy's grandma Lois, and his mother Eunice. Paul was commenting on how Timothy obviously had a great faith example from his grandma and mother to draw on that stirred him to want to become such a strong believer and witness for Christ. As I was speaking I realized that I was like Timothy. I too have a rich heritage of strong Christian faith in my grandma and mom that I have never really realized and probably taken for granted. So I stopped and took a moment and thanked mom who was sitting in front of me. I am proud to have such a great strong heritage to draw from. I'm no Timothy, but we do have something in common.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Proactive Protection

So today we did our Plan To Protect training for our leadership @ Lifeline Church. Plan to Protect trains and teaches leaders how to make wise decisions and protect themselves, the church, and those they are leading. The training is very important and much needed, but it always makes me think of how times have changed in my short life. How sad it is that the church needs to take such intentional measures to protect itself and others from predators and various unhealthy situations that may arise. What happened to Love one Another, Peace, Joy, and Trust? Why do so many even in the church now have motives that are so far from what Jesus was all about? Plan to Protect is smart ministry and much needed, I just wish that we lived in a world where it wasn't needed.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Coach Kevin

Coaching little league t-ball can be trying and challenging for anyone; but for 2 ministers trying to coach a team of 5 and 6 yr. olds while not losing control, it's even that much more of a test.
Today was opening day for my 5 yr. old daughter Jordyn's t-ball team. Myself and Drew, my friend and also a local preacher, are coaching the team. It's great fun meeting new kids and parents and trying to teach the kids a great game that we both enjoy. But there is always 1 kids isn't there, that just tries every last ounce of patience that you have. Today was better than most of the practices have been but there were still times I really had to bite my tongue. All in all the team had a great game, we hit well and fielding was terrific. I'm really looking forward to this season of t-ball, not only as a fun time with my daughter, but also as a great way to make new friends in our community, and give back to kids and parents. Too bad games are on nights when I can rarely make it, but I'm gonna try and move my schedule around a bit because this is really important to me. Play Ball!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post Video Shoot

Well I promised an update on the music video shoot so even though it's late I will keep my word. 2fish got to record a music video today for our tune "Palm of Your Hand". It's our 1st real music video of our 15+ year career and it was a blast. The shooting took place in a burned out old bakery that sits next to New Song Church. Weather was great, the setting was really artsy and unique, and i think it's gonna look and sound great on film. The project took about 3 hours to record the acoustic duo and we had a lot of fun and got pretty greasy and dirty. Looking forward to seeing the final project. Thanks to Kent Allison and AJ Coghill for all their work and great ideas. And Brad we would have been lost without the spray paint.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trying Again

Well the church board really wants me to get back into blogging again so I'm gonna give it my best try. To late now to talk about anything worth talking about so I'm not starting today. 2fish is shooting a video in the morning for "Palm of Your Hand" so that should be pretty exciting, maybe I'll write about that tomorrow.

Wish me luck in this venture... again