Monday, October 27, 2008


Why is it that the term Generosity is hailed up there with being a Mother Theresa? If you Google Generosity and look for stories about people being generous these days the stories make these people look so out of the norm. But why?
Did God not create us to be a generous people?
Did God not create us to live out our live in a generous culture?
Then why is generosity so unbelievable to see in today's society?
Our local news paper runs a story on a family with no money and a house with a broken furnace, leaky roof, and many other problems that gets turned down by a government sponsored loan agency to fix houses just like this. We aren't surprised. We are surprised when 2 days later the followup story talks about a local company donating and installing a new furnace for this family for free.
Where did we go wrong? How did it get like this?
I think it all goes back to the garden in the beginning of Genesis.

@ LifeLine Church we're gonna spend the next 5 weeks looking at this whole Generosity and Culture thing, and see if we can figure out a way to fix the problem and get back to living the way God intended... "In The Beginning"

Join us Sundays @ 10am.

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