Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What's Up For Christmas?

Season’s Greetings Everyone,

Come and celebrate Christmas with us at LifeLine Church.

This coming Sunday @ 10am we’ll be celebrating Christmas in song and video, we’ll hear a message about “The Christmas Cross”, and partake in communion with our church family and community.

Following our Sunday Gathering we’ll be having our Christmas Pot-Luck lunch rescheduled from last week’s snow day, so bring your dish to share and enjoy the company of some new and old friends for lunch. If you signed up try and bring something in the same category, if you didn’t then bring whatever’s good.

On Monday evening, Christmas Eve, join us at 6:30 for an hour of candlelight, carols, videos and the Christmas story. Bring your family and relax as we remember the “real” reason for the season.

Finally, from the staff and board at LifeLine Church we want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas season and we hope to see you all in church over the holidays.

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow, Snow, Snow

I'm not a huge fan of snow or cold in general, but if we're gonna get snow I'd much rather have a lot than just a little dusting. Looks like the weather agrees with me today. We actually cancelled our Sunday morning gathering this morning sue to the snow, and there certainly was good reason. The street and driveway at the church was virtually plugged and it was almost impossible for anyone to get it or out. It was certainly a good day to relax inside with the family.
We will reschedule our Pot Luck lunch for next Sunday Dec.23, so hopefully your food will keep, or just eat it at home today and bring something new to share next week.
Keep warm and enjoy the shoveling.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's Christmas Without Food?

This Sunday at LifeLine we're having our community Christmas Pot-Luck immediately following the morning gathering. If you haven't signed up to bring anything or if you didn't specify we can still use a couple main dishes and some desserts. Even if you can't bring anything come anyway as there will be lots to share and it will be a great social time.

Unfortunately it looks like Santa will be stranded at the North Pole, but we will have some great video games like guitar hero 2 for the kids to play while the adults are eating too much.

Please come and join us even if you've never been out to LifeLine before we'd love to have you for lunch. Well not have you, but have lunch with you. You know what I mean.

Looking forward to trying all of your great food.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dreaming of a Wet Christmas

Well we certainly never expected to be celebrating the LaSalle Santa Claus parade in the rain that's for sure. But the show must go on right. Last evening about 1 dozen of us braved the cold and rain to celebrate Christmas in LaSalle with our community, and blast their ears with our Christmas Music at full volume. The rain didn't seem to dampen spirits much as tons of people lined the streets to view the floats with their big patio unbrellas to keep them dry. All in All I'd say it was a great success and personally I'm starting to get dried off and warmed up. Merry Christmas LaSalle.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Is Coming

Indeed Christmas is on its way and a sure sign is always the Santa Claus Parade.
This year we are privilaged to be a part of the LaSalle Santa Claus Parade this coming Sunday evening at 5pm in LaSalle. The parade will run right past our church and we will have a float decked out with decorations, nativity scene and costumed people. We are looking forward to celebrating Christmas in our community and being able to spread the Real meaning of Christmas at the same time.
Hope you can all join us.

Friday, November 23, 2007


For those of you who missed last Sunday you missed the latest addition to our welcome entrance at LifeLine. We now have a 55gal aqurium with some rather large Chiclids welcoming you to church at LifeLine. The tank seems to be a hit, especially with the younger generation and those (like me) who need to stare at nothing to get a stress release. Please no fingers in the tank, I don't think our insurance covers loss of limbs (-:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our 1st Meeting

Well this past Sunday LifeLine Church had its 1st official congregational meeting. The meeting was short and to the point just how any meeting should go. We introduced the new Pastor's Council (church board) and talked about our history and plans for the future of LifeLine Church. Everyone in attendance seemed happy with the meeting so I'd call it a success. We're all looking forward to a bright and growing future for LifeLine Church in LaSalle.
If you missed the meeting and would like a copy of the notes just email us here at the blog and we can get you a copy.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

New Series Kicks Off

I'm really excited about our new series on "Heroes" kicking off this coming Sunday. This week my very good friend Kevin Rogers will be bringing the message as well as leading worship with us. We've also got some great videos lined up, a couple we've even created by ourselves. Some of the Heroes we'll be looking at are Hanna, Joseph, Moses, Mary (Jesus Mother) and more. If you are within driving distance of LifeLine Church you'll want to check out this new series, it's gonna be great.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Times R A Changin

As I mulled over whether or not to blog about the time change I over hear a conversation in a store this evening while checking out. The cashier gives a friendly reminder of "don't forget to change your clocks tonight" to which the woman in her 50's gives a puzzled stare. Not only did she not know it was time change from dst, but she had no idea about this concept nor how to go about doing it. Thankfully the cashier gave a quick 2 minute explanation of what the lady would need to do before bed tonight.
So if you are reading this and have forgotten, go now and set you clock back 1 hour and life will be all good. If you are reading this and don't know what I am talking about; then you should not be allowed to own a computer much less go online.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Heat Wave

LifeLine Church Has Heat!
I know it seems like a title reserved for maybe a 3rd world country church, but for those of you who froze with us last week I'm sure you'll be quite excited at this news. This means there is no excuse to not be in church this coming Sunday to hear the Joyful Explosion Choir and hear some encouraging words from Ron Baker, our regional director from the PAOC. Of course the heat does not reach to my office in the back corner so I'm typing this with chilled hands that I have to warm by a space heater every few minutes. Poor planning I guess (-:


Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm Not A Scrooge

I'm certainly not a scrooge, and I love Christmas and all that it means especially to our faith. But why am I out shopping at WalMart tonight on the 1st of November and hear nothing but Christmas music over the airways? True I'm not a huge fan of the festive seasonal music, but 2 months ahead of time is just a bit much don't you think? I'm still wearing shorts and sandals, it's not time for Christmas music yet.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Church Meeting

Today @ LifeLine we announced the 1st annual business meeting for LifeLine Church. The meeting will take place on Sunday November 11/07 at the end of our normal Sunday morning Gathreing. It won't be a long meeting but it will be an important one for anyone interested in LifeLine. We'll be presenting the new Pastor's Council (church board) and our current membership, along with updating everyone on how things are going with LifeLine ie. vision, plans, future and even finances. If you care about the ministry and future of LifeLine Church you'll want to be there.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Here We Go!

After constant bashing of not keeping the news and blog updated I've decided to try and turn over a new leaf and get a "real" blog going here at LifeLine so I can access it anywhere and keep this up to date all the time.
I'm horrible at blogging but I'm gonna do my best, so wish me luck.
